Board of Directors
Esat Alijaj, President
Kasia Sliz, Vice President
Patrick Hayes, Treasurer
Kate Brideau, Secretary
Emile Boujeke
Evan Dawson
Steve Ginsberg
Dawan Sangasri
Philippe Trang
La Boule New Yorkaise is the oldest and largest pétanque club in New York City.
We offer free lessons and play every weekday in Bryant Park, typically April through September, Monday to Friday 11 am - 7 pm. Friendly tournaments are held during that period every Friday night, registration begins at 6:45 pm, games at 7 pm. Beginning May 1, 2024 we’ll also be offering free lessons and casual play in Washington Square Park, Wednesdays 12 pm - 4 pm.
Pétanque is an outdoor bowling game, similar to bocce, that was developed in the south of France early in the 20th century. Played with steel balls, players throw from a circle with their feet planted on the ground, and attempt to get their balls closer to a target than any of their opponent’s. It’s a game accessible to varying physical abilities, can be played on more or less any patch of dirt, and is extremely easy to learn. Despite that simplicity, it is a technically and strategically stimulating game that is easy to fall in love with.
La Boule New Yorkaise was founded in 1968, and draws together players from all over the world. It is an FPUSA-affiliated club dedicated to the promotion of pétanque and has spread the game through numerous City parks. Beginning in Central Park, LBNY established regular games and tournaments in Washington Square Park, Bryant Park, and Prospect Park, and games have even been spotted in McCarren Park and Flushing Meadows. In addition to offering free lessons and play to the public, the club hosts its own tournaments, and club members regularly play at New York’s first indoor pétanque bar, the Carreau Club, in Brooklyn’s Industry City.
In addition to our free lessons in Bryant Park, experienced players can typically find pick-up games on Saturdays and Sundays (bring your own boules), and our tournament schedule includes some competitions that are open and some requiring FIPJP membership. Our US Open tournament, held every October, is one of the US’s largest and most competitive tournaments, and regularly draws world-class players from Canada, Europe, North Africa, and elsewhere.